Monday, September 27, 2010

Freedom’s Just Another Word for Everything to Lose

The United Nations has always been a shining symbol of success for those on the Left and the transnational citizenry that see them as the world’s best hope for civilization. However, once again, the UN finds itself rendered impotent, incompetent, and ultimately corrupt with regard to its core value: human rights. And, much like the leading role it took in the debacle of Climategate, the once bastion of democracy is not only being held hostage by radical elements, but actually enabling these forces to gain power and prominence on the world stage.1
According to its annual report by Freedom House, an independent watchdog organization that “supports democratic change, monitors freedom, and advocates for democracy and human rights,” the UN has received “failing grades on its ability to respond to the world’s most pressing human rights issues.”2 Among the key findings of the report:

*The accreditation process for Non Governmental Organizations (NGOs) has become appallingly politicized and is dominated by some of the world’s most aggressive opponents of universal standards on human rights, while democracies again fall short.
*The quality and reporting of the UN’s special reporters continue to bring the Council its highest marks, while pressure to eliminate country-specific experts and weaken other thematic mandates continues.
*The Council failed to issue a condemnatory resolution on Iran and on a number of countries with ongoing systematic abuses such as Belarus, China, Cuba, Libya, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, and Syria. It continued its disproportionate focus on Israel.
*Resolutions that urge countries to prohibit anti-Islamic or blasphemous speech continue to pass.

What emerges from the findings is clear and startling: the UN has become an international bureaucratic cover for political despotism, sacrificing the very individuals it supposedly cares so much about to the fires of political correctness. In its zeal to prove its “tolerance,” the UN has bent over backwards, indeed prostrated and humbled itself at all cost to supplicate the very terror organizations it purports to deplore.
It is not hyperbole to say both the United States and the world is being overrun with radical fundamentals, that we are institutionalizing, validating, and empowering despots and forces whose aim is to supplant rational thought and prosperity and replace it with a modern Caliphate and Sharia law. This radical wave has culminated in our present government and its international analogue embodied by the UN, each playing a new iteration of “useful idiots” in the propagation and dispersion of a twisted version of the Islamic faith. Ironically, it is this internal struggle of Islam the Left has turned blind eye to.3

Let’s put this in context for a moment. Barack Obama began his career as President of the United States by going on a world-wide apology tour, ostensibly to curry good will with the international community, but in reality emasculating our political gravitas and undercutting our leadership role, referring to us as “dismissive, even derisive.” He has bowed, scraped, and deferred both his person and his station to Middle Eastern and Muslim leaders, lest they are encouraged to not restrain terroristic elements in their control, something recently intimated by Imam Rauf of the controversial Park51 Project. 4

This is tantamount to the appeasement we saw during World War II, in which Neville Chamberlain placated Hitler and the Third Reich, thereby ensuring their rise to power. As was with Europe at the time, the whole world is being engulfed in this silent and subtle holocaust of words and ideas. Much like the Shakespearean play “Hamlet,” in which the characters Rosencrantz and Guildenstern pretend to have Hamlet’s best interests at heart while attempting to carry out Claudius’s scheme to kill him, the UN feigns to protect the weak and innocent while they simultaneously install dictators, mollify terrorists, and stifle dissent.
More than 200 years ago, James Madison warned the American Public of the dangers of overlooking those who would seek to overthrow us: “Security against foreign danger is one of the primitive objects of civil society. It is an avowed and essential object of the American Union. The powers requisite for attaining it must be effectually confided to the federal councils.” (Federalists 41)

Americans and their international democratic counterparts should recoil in horror at this reality. This threat is not only imminent and widespread, but also skillfully concealed from public inspection. Even as it plants the seeds of propaganda for world consumption, the UN’s duplicitous nature is shrouded by a patina of pretentious piety.
It is time for the world media, the academic intellects, and all those who truly love peace and democratic principles to speak out and call the UN’s elite leaders to account for this malfeasance and perversion of truth and justice. It is time for United States citizens to reject Obama’s transparent attempt to destroy our sovereignty, and usurp our position as a global leader. It is time for appeasement of murderers to stop. If not, the proliferation of radicalism will ultimately consume all nations, and we will find ourselves living in a modern global dark age with no United States to provide the way out.
